Oakland VA

OSC Busts Oakland VA Regional Office 14,000 Claim Blunder

Oakland VA

The Office of Special Counsel admonished Oakland VA for it massive failure to process over 14,000 informal claims dating back to the 1990’s.

OSC rebuked OIG for a poor analysis of problems at Oakland VA that included consciously hiding old claims, poor recordkeeping that precluded accurate investigation, and no penalty for obvious mismanagement that resulted in countless veterans missing out on benefits.

Remember when Allison Hickey told us going to an electronic recordkeeping system was the savior of the disability compensation system?

Wasn’t the push to “go electronic” for VA recordkeeping supposed to eliminate these kinds of near fraudulent activities? How are these problems persisting?

READ: OSC Report On Oakland RO To Congress

In a report sent to Congress, OSC explored allegations that Oakland VA leadership intentionally hid files from investigators:

“Ms. Brown and Ms. Cheney both stated that they personally processed the files at issue in 2012 and 2015, which the VA OIG reported they were unable to locate. Ms. Brown and Ms. Cheney asserted that they were members of a five-person team assembled in November 2012 to process these claims. Ms. Brown and Ms. Cheney also noted that again in 2015, they were instructed to review large batches of claims, many of which were the same unprocessed files they reviewed in 2012. Furthermore, Ms. Brown asserted that V ARO managers consciously hid claim files from investigators in an effort to conceal significant processing delays. She also explained that recommending training was inappropriate, and was a disservice to V ARO employees who had attempted to process pending claims but were prevented from doing so by V ARO managers who reassigned them to other administrative duties. Ms. Cheney noted similar concerns, asserting that training was not the root cause of the processing delays. Ms. Brown and Ms. Tolliver questioned why VARO did not take’ disciplinary action against managers responsible for these issues.” (emphasis added).

OSC also called out OIG for contradictory conclusions about a backlog at the location:

“I have reviewed the original disclosures, the agency report, and the whistleblower comments. There have been positive steps taken to address processing errors. However, a 2015 VA OIG investigation substantiated allegations concerning a significant backlog of benefit applications, while the report in this matter noted that investigators did not find evidence supporting a backlog. These contradictory conclusions, so close in time, suggest that VARO’s poor recordkeeping was so serious that it precluded investigators from thoroughly reviewing the allegations.” (emphasis added).

Despite confirming certain allegations including massive mismanagement, disciplinary actions were not taken:

“In addition, the report acknowledged significant delays and deficiencies in file processing. Notably, the average wait time for applications sampled in this investigation was six and a half years. These are serious delays for disabled veterans, their dependents, and survivors. Despite these findings, the investigation did not recommend disciplinary actions for VARO managers. The whistleblower comments were particularly compelling, calling attention to the lack of management accountability, and the fact that unprocessed claims have been a longstanding problem at V ARO.” (emphasis added).

Oakland VA Whistleblower

In the statement of Rustyann Brown, Allison Hickey, the former Under Secretary, provided Congress with false information about the backlog and apparent cover-up:

“On March 4, 2015 then Under Secretary Allison Hickey replied to Congresswoman Barbara Lee that these claims in Oakland were just copies and that she (Ms. Hickey) would like to tell the rest of the story. She testified that these claims were done not once, but twice by the hard working employees at Oakland. She said every one of the 13, 184 had come in and made their claims formal and that no Veteran waited. She testified that they did not misplace any of the 13,184.

“Yet, the OIG report of January 8, 2016 claims because of poor record keeping, the list could not be found therefore how does the VA prove they did them all? The OIG report stated that they could not substantiate that the 537 informal claims, that had not been stored properly, were actually part of the original 13 ,184. When these 537 claims were found it was no surprise. Rumors of them being moved around the building, had been heard for a long time. When I looked at the claims on the cart (the picture presented during hearings), the very first claim I pulled out had my initials and the date 11-2012. These were part of the original 13,184 and management had them piled on a cart trying to hide.

“I saw with my own eyes these claims. That I reviewed day after day and questioned to my superiors, over and over until we were removed from the project.”

It is important to note that Ms. Brown is a disabled veteran who fought for the rights of her fellow veterans until she was removed. I hope more VA employees learn from her example.

READ: Full Rustyann Brown Rebuttal To OIG Failure

OSC Oakland VA Regional Office Press Release

OSC wrote a press release about their investigation and recommendations yesterday that one of the whistleblowers sent to me for publication here in addition to other information.

Here it is:

Whistleblowers Reveal Deficient VA Benefit Claims Processing in Oakland


CONTACT: Nick Schwellenbach, (202) 254‐3631; [email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C./October 13, 2016 –

In a letter sent to the White House and Congress today, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) reported that the Veterans Affairs Regional Office (VARO) in Oakland, California, failed to process veterans’ benefits claims accurately and in a timely manner. This delayed the accurate payment of benefits to veterans and their dependents, in some cases by years. Three Oakland VARO whistleblowers came to OSC with disclosures of the Oakland VARO’s deficiencies, prompting an investigation. Those whistleblowers are Rustyann Brown, a former claims assistant, Roselyn Tolliver, a veterans service representative, and Lydia Cheney, a veterans service representative.

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) investigative report into the whistleblower allegations, Oakland VARO managers did not provide adequate oversight to ensure timely and accurate processing of informal benefit claims. The report noted that VARO employees did not process fifteen percent of files selected for an audit in an appropriate amount of time. Of the sixty files selected for the audit, nine featured significant delays in processing, ranging from five to more than seven years. While the nine affected veterans eventually received retroactive payments, they waited on average six and a half years for benefits. In the case with the most significant delay, VARO received an application in February 2006 from a veteran with Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which was not correctly processed for seven years and eight months.

In addition, the Oakland VARO’s recordkeeping was so poor that investigators could not find logs or spreadsheets tracking the number of unprocessed claims, thus hampering their ability to fully investigate the scope of the whistleblowers’ allegations. However, another recent VA investigation confirmed that Oakland VARO staff had not processed a “substantial amount” of claims dating back to the mid‐1990s.

While the VA has proposed more training and quality assurance reviews to remedy the problems uncovered, the VA’s investigation did not recommend discipline against VARO managers. After reviewing the whistleblowers’ comments, which called attention to the lack of management accountability, Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner found the VA’s proposed corrective actions unreasonable (the comments for each whistleblower can be found at this link, this link, and this link). The VA’s proposed actions do not go far enough to address the systemic problems discovered at this facility. The Special Counsel also urged the VA to expand on its audit of claim files.

“The whistleblowers performed a public service by bringing to light the severe delays in processing veterans benefit claims and deserve our gratitude,” said Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner. “These delays are particularly disturbing since the applicants are disabled veterans and their dependents. No veteran should have to wait years before receiving the benefits they are owed for their service to this nation.”


Source: OSC Oakland RO Press Release

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  1. As one of the whistleblowers mentioned in this article, I would like to say how pleased I am that the agency is finally being held accountable for this travesty. I didn’t know that the issue had been resolved until I saw this article in my email, so I’d also like to thank Benjamin Krause and his staff for keeping veterans informed.

    1. VA DC HQ ONE BIG BIG FEDERAL RICO CRIME RACKET RUN BY @ FOR AFGE UNION CONTRACTS VA WILL KILL YO VETS FOR THE BONOUS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  2. First,

    Whoever the people are who decide, “Yea” or “Nay”, on your “compensation & pension” DO receive monies to deny it! I, as do many others of my friends (some are MOH Recipients, others were high ranking [ex] military) in Illinois, believe [know] this is why many claims are denied, sometimes multiple times, before being approved!

    I also believe Ben, and commenters, has has articles on here over this very subject matter.

    And, other things no one will see on the Main Stream Media!

    Obama’s words are coming back to bite him in his ass!

    Here’s a Utube video from “Under the Influence”. Published on Oct 16, 2016.
    ” American Officials Just Provoked WW3 to Protect the Clintons?!?”
    (11:22 minutes)

    This young man makes perfect sense!

    Right now, in Miami, Florida, a LARGE, LARGE, (some masked) group of Hispanics are protesting Hillary’s “claims” they don’t want Mr. Trump as POTUS!

    Russian warships have now been spotted going through the English Channel. England’s Navy is escorting them!

    From “Fox News” on Utube;
    “Judge Jeanine, Newt Gingrich On Clinton Server Scandal – The Sean Hannity 10/14/2016”
    (39:41 minutes)

    Other guests it includes are, Former Gov. Huckabee & Dr. Ben Carson. Plus, Rose Tennant and Kristie Tate.

    1. On tonight’s “60 Minutes” program, they were attempting to desensitize the American Public on the “vetting of refugees” and we are led to believe JUST because of Obama’s Homeland Security Director SAYS it’s safe. R-r-r-r-ight.

      They spoke of this arduous 14-28 month vetting process, then all the free healthcare, housing, SSI, Food Assist., and more they are showered with by Lutheran Social Services….meanwhile, the very Veterans that served and possibly fought for these refugee’s freedom cannot get the healthcare, assistance because the VA may just take the Veteran’s entire remaining days on earth to decide and even then forgotten.

      Notice the able-bodied refugee ‘men’ are NOT staying to FIGHT their own war or help US? We should not help one refugee until there’s not ONE Homeless or forgotten otherwise, Veteran. THAT’s what I call “Vetting”. Not letting potential snakes in while at war. Right or wrong, the internment camps of WW2 were there for a reason…security…just in case. Not with Obummer….war is just like basketball or non-respecting USA Anthem/Flag sports players.

      1. Hey, namnibor,
        Have you heard. FBI Director Comey is asking the Congressional Oversight Committee for immunity! Why? Because Congress has “reopened the case against Hillary!”
        Representative Trey Gowdy gave him a two word reply; Quote:
        “Hell No!”
        How’s that for telling that asswipe off!

        It seems that “Obama Lacky” of the “Homeland Security” is the ONLY SECURITY AGENCY that’s been saying that!
        All the other ones are condemning the vetting process!

        Those young refugees need to fight for their own country. Stay the fuck outta American!

    2. So show me a single case where a public employee was granted a bonus for denying claims. Show me a single performance plan where that is a criteria. It’s not easy to pay bonuses and such payments are public record so show me a case please.

      1. It’s not called “bonuses”, MadDog!
        It’s called being paid, as in a fucking salary! Not to be disclosed to the outside viewers!

        As far as being able to see the questions BEFORE a “C&P”, I have, nor will anyone else ever agree with you on that issue!
        That’s what the Democrats are doing to insure the “Coronation of Hillary Clinton!” As was disclosed by “Wikileaks”, after the two debates recently!

        There has NEVER been a veteran who knows what’s going to happen behind those closed doors during a
        “C & P exam!” Except for a “POA”!

        How much is VA paying you to come on here and make false statements?
        Just as the Democrats are NOW paying asswipes “…to troll conservative sites!” That came out through “Wikileaks” a short time ago!
        So be careful, be VERY CAREFUL, spreading your “misinformation”!

  3. I have heard never give up trying because employees retire or die and maybe someday you will get it. !

    Employees know the same thing. So the VA management just has to bull xXxX everyone for 4 year’s or 8

    And just keep doing so. And just start their b.s all over again. They don’t care about you. Lie. Deny. Die

    VA says they fired many ? Many employee. We know that’s not true.

    The OIG. States they fired about 75 VA employees. What’s up with that. !

    The ? can see and hear what’s going on in these here United State’s. Via tv. Internets and can see for themselves that our government is no better that China. Russa ect.

    Our government does not use guns ? They kill veterans by denying their deserved disabilities and for what Status and $$$$$$

    Need to put signs outside recuting station’s. IF the enemy don’t kill you. Don’t worry our government will finish the job. At no extra cost to you.

    Way to go Bob. The blood is on your hands. Special Forces indeed !

    It’s like a cowboy. Who never rode a horse. Called 5 and dime !

  4. I worked in Public Assistance fraud for 15 years. I find it amazing in the case of welfare benefits that in most cases benefits are required to be paid within 30 days. So the truth is those who have served our country are less important than those who in most cases sit on their butts are more important than our veterans. Congress should be ashamed and every veteran who votes should remember this.

  5. This has come up time and time again about claims. I believe all of this is done on purpose and has been going on for decades. In front of the VA committee, VA Regional office Managers told the committee, Veterans claims are completed and the veterans were sent their denial letters and that 90% of veterans Never reapply.

    Why, because the Regional Office is sending out letters, telling the veterans their records were destroyed or missing, So its up to the veteran to provide proof !

    Since they know Most Veterans will not reapply, it makes sense to deny 90% of the claims and mark them as complete, Many Veterans look to VSO officers to help, The VA replies with the same response the veteran must furnish the needed proof, as our records indicate they were destroyed or missing.

    They REVIEW those claims ?, Pick it up, look at it and place it in another stack to be filed , shreaded, Moved around the Facility or in other words hidden. management could care less, how many Veterans they harm, 22 veterans a day killing themselves, How many of these 22 veterans had their claims denied or did get their claims approved and one (1) month later receive a letter from the regional office, we are in the process of lowering your disability by 10 20 30 ect percent or your now rated at 0 percent.

    How does that work on the psyche of those veterans, I’ll tell you how (SUICIDE) and the Managers laugh all the way to the Bank ! Yea a Bonus and that guy is out of our hair. What the wife want’s what ? Stupid people, when will they catch on, were here for us, not those stupid Veterans who are all crazy.

    Way to go BoB doing a great job, You should be forced to attend ever veteran burial that committed suicide and tell the family, how your helping veterans.

    1. What else do the investigators need, Why hide those claims ? Lets see, These veterans more than likely would have been approved and there fore cost, VA employees a Bonus for hiding them or those claims were approved and Management had those funds diverted, Cash Cow !

      Management needs extra cash and they know those veterans affected would not question their denial letter and therefore no one would find out, Well they did find out and Management is covering their tracks or catch up.

      Thousands of Veterans are being taken advantage of and some investigators are not doing their jobs and covering up for mismanagement, Yes Employees need to fired or jailed ! But no the Bad Apples are transferred and promoted to even do more harm.

      Veterans are in real danger of loosing their lives, Since the employees are hiding veterans records or are sent denial letters and the VA regulations, that a veteran must have a service connected disability to receive care

      The Veteran will not qualify and therefore does not receive care and their Health goes down hill or they kill themselves.

      Lieing in our elected officials and our other Government has become a requirement, They have become canibles and are eating other human beings or letting them die, for the ever loving $

      Its a big scam and veterans are paying the price and our elected officials are letting them.

      A person smokes a joint in public and they get arrested, VA Management is killing Veterans and they get promoted, Where is the Justice in that.

      We have to March on Washington or within 6 months from today, This country wont need a VA, they will need Big Big holes to place all the bodies of the new Revolation or Genocide of men, women and Children.

      OUR Government will fall, who in the World, would ever trust a nation, where their first words out of their mouths would be a Lie. A Nation of Liers will never Fly !

  6. Michelle Ming Kwok personally screwed up my claim while she was in charge at the VBA Los Angeles Regional Office. Before the claim was settled to my satisfaction, I was forced to seek licensed legal assistance and have my US congressman personally advocate several times for me but Ming Kwok still created such a clusterfuck of a situation that it took nine years to close the deal nearly killing me from the stress. She is one arrogant bitch who should have been fired just over my claim rather than promoted to the Oakland Office. The Peter Principle (promotion to a person’s level of incompetence) is definitely at work within the VBA! Only God can help injured veterans … the VBA certainly does not.

  7. All of the really big VAROs need to be investigated. And all stems from the same effort. Lobbyists seeking privatized contracts. There is an attempt now to shift to privatized contracts for adjudication preparation.

    If you think that will work try getting a copy of your old hard copy file that has been archived by a private contractor. Still waiting after two years. Problem is no supervision and no over sight.

    Same problem with the privatized “Choice Program” monopolized by two contractors for the whole of the U S which cuts their costs by non deliver the same way HMO of the modern era do.

    1. I can tell you you ain’t just whistling Dixie about the VAROS I can tell you from experience that the ones at Muskogee are some illiterate bastards. I am in Georgia and Atlanta farmed my claim out to Muskogee. They denied 2 of my contentions Carpal Tunnel in my left wrist documented in service treatment records and the QTC physician cited greater than 50% and whatever, but Muskogee sent it to their VAMC for record review and they cited no environmental cause, but wait it gets better their physician defers back to the examining physician. You know what? I read my C-File cover to cover and never saw where they sent back for clarification or received it. They tried to check for the same with my Lower back and they cited the same damned thing, but also that there were no records to prove it. RMC St Louis “The Black Hole” lost them there was a fax to the AG of the state I served in the national guard, but NO RESPONSE.

      Needless to say Mama didn’t raise no fool, DAV was doing nothing but golfing with those AFGE Prigs so Daddy Lawyered up.

    2. And don’t even get me started on the illiterate ESL high school dropout medicinal LSD using fucks at HealthNet running the (illusion of) Choice Program

  8. Thanks for posting this. So much reform needs to happen with the va. I am now retired, living in Florida were this director, Julia Boor, has been moved. KARMA! My advocacy work has just begun.
    VBA Oakland whistleblower, Rustyann Brown

  9. Michelle Kwok was promoted out of the VA Los Angeles region for successful denying benefits and compensation to those who needed it the most or did not know how to fight back. She got my son and me, we fought and won. We are both 100% with the VA’s own medical (should some of them be called) doctors, who botched the procedure so bad he ended up on life support, then given an immediate 100%, that was taken in one year…which is the statute of limitations for their negligence. It is killing for bonus money.
    Michelle Kwok, how many more veteran’s have you killed since your huge monetary promotion.

    1. Robert,
      you do realize these “C & P” examiners receive monies for denying claims.
      I’m not sure how much. But if they do many a day, it could add up to a tidy sum!

      1. Crazy Elf – you should get facts before you spread our nonsense around. C&P examiners have NO role in approving or denying claims other than providing a medical report. You can see what they will ask before you go for the exam – just look it up online. And you can see what the wrote by getting your C-File through FOIA. Since all bonuses paid to federal employees are public record – show me ONE where a bonus was paid for denying anything!!

      2. Hey Elf,

        I see that the mental midget is following you. It is only here for on e reason and that is to troll. Lets see how he likes a bright light shined in his directions I will post his name address and phone number for everyone to see.

  10. I read a story in the Washington post, the reporter seemed to believe that the wait times for Veterans have been fixed. True, they are “FIXED”, just not the way she believes. I sent her this story. Michelle Lee is her name.

  11. I’m not sure why I received this post at 840pm, but I am sure glad this was discovered. But again, no accountability. I wonder Ben, does all the lack of accountability, and blatant f___ you, or the implied so what, ever get to you? It gets to me. I’ve never had a hearing, and my claim goes back to 1999. Thanks Ben.

  12. Liberty: the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.

    “Give me your tired, and your poor” and the Veterans Administration will assure they’re thrown into the huddled masses of misdiagnosis, substandard treatment, misinformation, inappropriate timelines, and laissez-faire attitudes.

    To be our wretched refuse we’d dump along our streets and into our prisons.

    Send these to us, and we’ll drive them to homelessness, desperation, and we’ll put them in despair of their future.

    As we turn out the light behind our gleaming door when we lock them away as opiate drug seekers and unstable war heroes.

    1. @Just Another Veteran,

      That’s about the size of it. Great comment!

      BTW, the wife and I just purchased “AmeriGeddon” at Wal Mart.
      It’s about $10.00!
      We’re going to watch it tomorrow night.

    1. I am taking the bus across town with my iPad to Congressman Defazio’s office. His staff is great and kudos for doing all they can in the office to assist.

      I am going to be polite and tell them simply that instead of a call, email, or letter, that I want them to see my face when I tell them this must stop. They know my face. I am going to ask simply, “What can I do personally to get this to dease in our land?”

      And then I am toing to type the answer into my iPad in front of them and inform them that I will hit “share” as soon as we conclude and post it on Facebook. I will do this in the spirit of cooperation, but this is what I can do.

      Face to Face then, Congressman, with respect, onto Facebook for the world to share with the solution…and in case you haven’t been watching what is going on down the street in D.C., I am.

      I believe each representative of The People has a sworn duty to uphold, a duty that each veteran of our armed forces took an oath to similarly uphold, although the vets pledged their lives and some paid that price. I will not forget that the word “veteran” includes all those souls whose memory we mark with stones.

      I believe that it is time for my Representatives to uphold their oaths, and I believe the time to do it is right now, and I am going to com that 5 by 5.

  13. For all you movie goers. Here’s “AmeriGeddon” on Utube.

    “AmeriGeddon 2016 BRRip FULL MOVIE – Eng – Perfect Copy”

    (1:31:45 minutes)
    Watch it before it’s gone!

    Also from “Restore American Glory.com”

    “Growing U.S. – Russian Tensions: “This is a Conflict””

    Posted on 12 Oct 2016
    by Administration!

    1. Hey brothers and sisters. Are y’all Catholic, Evangelical Christians or of other Christian faiths?

      I’m sorry, there’s a Utube video y’all might want to watch. It’s 11:07 minutes long from “Fox News”!
      This is extremely bad for HRC and her asswipe minions of followers!


      Google it and see for yourselves!

  14. President Obama just a week ago at his Military/Veteran Town Hall would again state this: “It’s not perfect, but it’s getting better and I have full faith in Sec. McDonald and all VA management to do right by our Veterans” (paraphrased, but spot-on)

    As long as the heads remain in the sand, as Redturtle984 has eloquently written above, we are all indeed, We The People, ultimately responsible.

    This nefarious and outright negligence at the VA quite likely requires a revolution of sorts where the end result is a complete VA enema. Let the Military Branches take over the VA and no AFGE Union or any Union allowed to touch the VA and Veterans going forward.

    The VA obviously has no intention of holding anyone accountable or even fixing it’s own dysfunction…and Sec. McDonald to the POTUS are indeed lying to continue this nefarious behavior. “Dysfunctional Idiots Can Kill Servicemen” (D.I.C.K.S.)

    Plenty of dicks at the VA and it’s not even gender-specific analogy.

    1. It’s an election year. No Democrat is going to upset a union right now. For God’s sake, just give all vets unlimited Medicare and shut down every money-pit of a VA hospital. Learn what justifying a billet means.

  15. Here’s a little known fact which occurred down here in Florida.
    Last year, or early this year, the director of the VARO in St. Petersburg, had to be physically taken up to Georgia. He was taken to a warehouse. Which had pallets, full of boxes, of veterans files.

    When he was first notified about it. He disputed the news media’s findings. He said it couldn’t be true!
    So, they basically shamed him into going there!

    What do y’all think was accomplished by this? ABSOLUTELY NOT ONE THING!
    As far as I know, those files are still sitting in that warehouse, on all those pallets, up in Georgia! Or, they’ve been marked for destruction!

    1. You were lazy or scared. You went to GA and did not bother to answer the question. Sounds like you don’t want to know the truth.

  16. I rarely post a page to Facebook because I am not political. I have my own views and like Treebeard in Lord Of The Rings, I am on nobody’s side because nobody is on my side. It is a PTSD attitude and I have to own who I am.

    As far as ownership goes, I own but one thing – my honor. This cannot be beaten out of me, raped out of me, shot out of me, or taken from me behind lockdown. My honor demands that I own the consequences of my actions, and my inactions.

    I have to own what happened to those men and women who tried to scratch out their lives for lack of money when We The People had a clear and present duty to fulfill our pledge to them. It cannot truly be pinned on POTUS, OIG, OSC, VA, or any other reason that you might name, unless you are pointing the finger right at me, you, our parents, grandparents and every other American who has known for decades the cruelty perpetrated against those who once defended our way of life.

    It is my fault because I have known from childhood that VA was corrupt. I did absolutely nothing about it until the crocodile bit me. I turned a blind eye to the cognitively impaired homeless vets. I turned up my nose at the vets digging through dumpsters. I looked the other way and am as guilty of allowing the shame that is VA to continue as every other American that is part of We The People. The cruelty of my indifference before is partly to blame for those who went witthout the property they were owed.

    There can be no further excuse that We The People need offer. Those men and women were there for us when we needed them, and when they needed us we let them down. This shit must cease.

    I am posting a link to this page on my facebook and forwarding to my contacts in the media. I have been homeless and desperate for money. To do what they did with such careless regard for their fellow human is a disgrace to the nation and We The People are to blame. Period.

    1. “I have nothing. I want nothing; but mine honor and the forgiveness of God.” I fight for others no matter what side they fall.

    2. I know a young lady that explained to me that she is going through nursing school to become a full RN. Her school is being paid by the U.S. Navy, and she has to do a hitch in the Navy (probably as an officer) when she gets done. That is the deal as was explained to me.
      In one of my conversations with her, I mentioned the VA. She had no idea what the VA was at all, let alone the mounting problems/failures within it.. Zip. I told her that she will eventually find out down the road and I got off that subject.
      This is an example of how people are NOT aware. Not aware of this department – let alone how corrupt it is – along with all of the depts., each one of them corrupt, that are run by POTUS

  17. Disabled veterans and their families likely couldn’t put food on the table, pay for housing or get medical care for 6-1/2 years and not a single manager is disciplined?

    That’s certainly a well oiled monkey business branch the Federal Government is running. “They’re just Veterans, Screw em” needs to be the motto.

    1. A LEGAL FACT VA DC HQ @ VA DEATHCARE ARE A FEDERAL RICO CRIME RACKET RUN BY @ FOR AFGE UNION CIONTRACTS VA DOES KILL VETS FOR THE BONOUS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ PENDEJO VETS YO SILLY VETS THOUGHT WAS LOOKING OUT FOR YOUR HEALTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. This is not AFGE. This is the same as Phoenix. Lobbyist doing favors for managers to get them to cut costs that compete with the Military Industrial Contract and other privatized contract out lays in the Federal Budget. That is what the big election fight is about. Who gets to reward their contributing corporations by sticking it to the little guy. And only the little guy loses.

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