Navigating the Truth: Understanding VR&E Counselor Interactions

Communicating with Veterans Affairs (VA) call centers, such as the Veterans Crisis Line or the White House VA Hotline, can be a critical step for veterans seeking assistance. However, as highlighted by veteran rights attorney Benjamin Krause, it’s essential to navigate these interactions carefully to avoid legal pitfalls. This article explores the advice shared by Krause, drawing from a real-life case that underscores the importance of lawful communication.

In a recent illuminating Q&A session, Benjamin Krause, a distinguished VA accredited attorney and journalist, looks into a critical concern resonating within the veteran community — the integrity of interactions with VR&E (Veteran Readiness and Employment) counselors. This article, inspired by Krause’s comprehensive discussion, endeavors to equip veterans with factual and relatable information, urging them to seek professional guidance from Benjamin Krause Law for VR&E-related issues.

The Vital Role of VR&E Counselors:

VR&E counselors occupy pivotal positions within the veteran support system. Armed with advanced degrees and certifications, these highly trained professionals play a crucial role in assessing, guiding, and supporting veterans throughout their rehabilitation and employment journey. Their mission is to facilitate a smooth transition from military service to civilian employment, ensuring that veterans receive the necessary resources to achieve meaningful employment and independence.

Challenges and Concerns:

Despite their significant role, concerns have emerged regarding potential misinformation and misleading advice provided by some VR&E counselors. This has prompted a closer examination of the interactions between veterans and these professionals. Benjamin Krause, leveraging his extensive experience and insights gleaned from the veteran community, has shed light on the importance of veterans being well-informed and adequately prepared when engaging with VR&E counselors.

Insights from Benjamin Krause:

In his latest Q&A session, Krause underscores the need for veterans to approach their interactions with VR&E counselors with a critical eye. Drawing on his wealth of experience and feedback received from the veteran community, Krause highlights the importance of understanding one’s rights and entitlements under the VR&E program. Veterans are encouraged to be proactive in seeking information, asking pertinent questions, and ensuring that the guidance provided aligns with their individual needs and aspirations.

Moreover, Krause stresses the significance of establishing clear communication channels with VR&E counselors. Veterans should feel empowered to voice their concerns, seek clarification on any ambiguities, and actively participate in the development of their rehabilitation and employment plans. Krause’s insights serve as a compass for veterans navigating the complex landscape of VR&E, empowering them to make informed decisions that align with their goals.

Seeking Professional Guidance:

Given the nuanced nature of VR&E interactions, Krause advocates for veterans to seek professional guidance from experienced legal professionals, such as those at Benjamin Krause Law. By tapping into legal expertise, veterans can gain a deeper understanding of their rights, ensure fair treatment, and navigate any challenges that may arise during their engagement with VR&E counselors.


As veterans embark on their rehabilitation and employment journey with VR&E, being well-informed and prepared is paramount. Benjamin Krause’s insights act as a beacon, guiding veterans through potential pitfalls and empowering them to advocate for their rights and aspirations. Through informed interactions and, when necessary, seeking legal counsel, veterans can navigate the complexities of VR&E with confidence and resilience.

About Benjamin Krause Law:

Benjamin Krause Law specializes in assisting veterans with VR&E claims and other VA benefits. Our commitment to providing quality legal assistance makes us a trusted ally for veterans.


What qualifications do VR&E counselors have?

VR&E counselors typically hold at least a master’s degree and have certifications relevant to vocational rehabilitation, ensuring they are well-equipped to assist veterans.

Can VR&E counselors provide misleading information?

While most counselors aim to assist effectively, there can be instances of misinformation. It’s important for veterans to stay informed and seek clarification when needed.

How can I ensure a productive meeting with my VR&E counselor?

Be prepared with clear goals and documentation. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification on any advice given.

Why should I consider legal assistance for VR&E issues?

Legal assistance can help navigate complex VR&E processes, ensuring your rights are protected and your case is presented effectively.

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  1. Those poor assholes who work for VA. Some of them know it’s fucked AND they still somehow give a shit. Some of them don’t know it’s fucked AND they give a shit. Some of them walk around thinking they are making some sacrifice by working there and they don’t need the shit when all is said and done. Most of them there to make policy and they mostly fall into three different camps. I’ll leave that up to the readers imagination but I can tell you this, at least two of those camps you don’t want to fall up underneath. Good luck figuring out what camp they reside in before they fuck you. Big game to them. They live for the shit.

  2. Everyone from the janitor upwards is allowed to make policy at VA, that’s one problem. Eventually you’re gonna find that you aren’t someone’s policy. Answer to that and wages being the same no matter how good the economy does is UBI. Then you can get insurance, send the political gladiators home, and really sit it out if companies won’t pay. All sorts of problems can be solved this way, and they will be solved naturally with this kind of bargain power. Right now, nobody who isn’t sitting in a government chair or on top of a mountain of everyone else’s money has any power whatsoever. Don’t shit yourself..

  3. Some assholes will treat you like shit at VA and then dare you to kick the shit out of them so they can blame you for it all. That’s one tactic. Another is the good old “send you to this” “send you to that” phoney bullshit that’s nothing but appointments and nothing really being done about your condition. They’ve only got the funding and resources to put on a theater production until you’re suicidal or incapacitated from a condition. In the case of incapacitated, you’re still gonna need backup because someone is always in the mix ready to accuse you of bullshitting or condition not being serious enough. Most of this to avoid having to pay for surgery until you’re in critical condition. Just layer upon layer of resistance to care at many VA’s. Also guilt trips, character assassination, blaming shit on you, flaming hoops, wait times, no call back, busy signals, holds, “sign for medication” upon delivery of certain medications. Just endless bullshit and games when it’s mentally healthier to just get a doctor in the community and fill the fuckin prescription that very day. VA good for nothing. Buy ibuprofen at the grocery store. Waste of everyone’s time just to justify redistribution of wealth and pretend that the USA has a public sector aside from security or jailing as many people as possible. Just do UBI and close the place for the love of God and baby Jesus.

  4. When I met with the VRNE counselor, she told me flat out. Disabled veterans do not make good entrepreneurs. So I discontinued the service, and she closed my file.

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